
That Inspired

The Ones that Hit Me Hard:

The Untethered Soul - By Michael Singer - Post 179

A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle - Post 316, Post 317, Post 318

Already Free - Bruce Tift - Post 46


Self Help

Allen, James - As a Man Thinketh

Archer, Shawn - The Happiness Advantage - Post 19

Brooks, Arthur C. - From Strength to Strength

Brooks, David - How to Know a Person - Post 467

Brown, Brene - Braving the Wilderness

Burkeman, Oliver - Four Thousand Weeks

Cain, Susan - Quiet

Carnegie, Dale - How To Win Friends and Influence People

Carnegie, Dale - How To Stop Worrying and Start Living

Chamine, Shirzad - Positive Intelligence

Chodron, Pema - No Time to Lose

Clear, James - Atomic Habits

Coyle, Daniel - The Culture Code

Dethmer, Jim and Chapman, Diana and Klemp, Kaley - The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership

Ferriss, Tim - The 4-Hour Chef

Ferriss, Tim - The 4-Hour Work Week

Galloway, Scott - The Algebra of Happiness

Gawdat, Mo - Solve for Happy

Gerasimo, Pilar - The Healthy Deviant - Post 208, Post 226

Grant, Adam - Give and Take

Gordon, Jon - The Energy Bus

Harris, Dan - 10% Happier

Hawke, Ethan - Rules for a Knight

Heath, Dan and Heath, Chip - Switch

Hill, Napoleon - Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude

Hill, Napoleon - Think and Grow Rich

Holiday, Ryan - Ego is the Enemy

Holiday, Ryan - Stillness is the Key

Holiday, Ryan - The Obstacle is the Way

Hollis, Dave - Get Out of Your Own Way

Huang, Minghao - The Are of Life: How to Live a Happy and Meaningful Life

Junger, Sebastian - Tribe

Klemp, Nate - Open - Post 661

Logan, Dave and King, John and Fischer-Wright, Halee - Tribal Leadership

Long, Paul - Fundamism: Connecting to Life Through F.U.N

Manson, Mark - The Subtle Are of Not Fiving a F*ck

Maxwell, John - The 360 Degree Leader

McKeown, Greg - Effortless

McKeown, Greg - Essentialism

Moawad, Trevor and Staples, Andy - Getting to Neutral - Post 719

Palmer, Parker J. - Let Your Life Speak

Ponder, Catherine - The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity

Ravikant, Kamal - Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It

Ridley, Matt - The Rational Optimist

Robbins, Tony - Unleash the Power Within

Rohn, Jim - Living an Exceptional Life

Rohr, Richard - Falling Upward

Russell, Helen - How to Be Sad - Post 236, Post 239

Sandeman, Stuart - Breathe In, Breathe Out

Schwartz, David - The Magic of Thinking Big

Sharma, Robin - The Monk Who Sold His Farrari

Silva, Jose - The Silva Mind Control Method of Mental Dynamics

Sincero, Jen - You are a Badass

Sivers, Derek - Anything You Want

Sonenshein, Scott - Stretch

Sullivan, Dan and Hardy, Dr. Benjamin - The Gap and The Gain

Tippett, Krista - Becoming Wise

Townsend, John and Cloud, Henry - Boudaries, Updated and Expanded Edition

Vaynerchuk, Gary - Twelve and a Half

Waitzkin, Josh - The Art of Learning


Anderson, Chris - Infectious Generosity

Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations

de Mello, Anthony - Awareness

de Mello, Anthony - Stop Fixing Yourself

de Mello, Anthony - The Way to Love: The Last Meditations of Anthony de Mello

Garcia, Hector and Miralles, Francesc - Ikigai

Harris, Sam - Lying

Harris, Sam - Waking Up

Hawkins, David - Transcending the Levels of Consciousness

Jorgenson, Eric and Ferriss, Tim - The Almanack of Naval Ravikant

Kant, Immanuel - The Critique of Pure Reason

Noah Harari, Yuval - 21 Lessons for the 21st Century

Noah Harari, Yuval - Homo Deus

Noah Harari, Yuval - Nexus

Noah Harari, Yuval - Sapiens

Parish, Shane - The Great Mental Models

Russell, Bertrand - The Conquest of Happiness

Schur, Michael - How to Be Perfect

Tsu, Lao - Tao Te Ching

Watts, Alan - The Book

West, Brianna - 101 Essays That Will Change the Way You Think


Adyashanti - The Most Important Thing, Volume 1

Brach, Tara - Radical Acceptance

Chah, Achaan - A Still Forest Pool: The Insight Meditation of Achaan Chah

Chah, Ajahn - Food for the Heart

Dalai Lama - The Essence of Happiness

Dalai Lama and Tutu, Desmond - The Book of Joy - Post 172

Dass, Ram - Becoming Nobody

Dass, Ram - Be Love Now

Dispenza, Joe - Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

Frankl, Viktor - Man's Search for Meaning

Goldstein, Joseph - Abiding in Mindfulness Vol 1 - Post 15

Goldstein, Joseph - Abiding in Mindfulness Vol 2

Goldstein, Joseph - Abiding in Mindfulness Vol 3

Goldstein, Joseph - Mindfulness

GPT-3 and Wang, Jasmine and Thomas, Iain - What Makes Us Human - Post 144

Gyatso, Tenzin - Essence of the Heart Sutra

Hanh, Thich Nhat - Being Peace - Post 600, Post 601, Post 602, Post 603, Post 604

Hanh, Thich Nhat - How to Love

Hanh, Thich Nhat - Peace is Every Step

Hanh, Thich Nhat and Singh, Pritam - Taming the Tiger Within

Hawkins, David - Letting Go

Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha

Kapleau, Roshi Philip - The Three Pillars of Zen

Kornfield, Jack - After the Ecstasy, the Laundry

Kornfield, Jack - Bringing Home the Dharma

Kornfield, Jack - No Time Like the Present

Kornfield, Jack - The Wise Heart

Krishnamurti, Jiddu - Knowledge and Learning are Two Different Things

Krishnamurti, Jiddu - The State of Not Knowing is Intelligence

Markus, Raghu and Trussell, Duncan - The Movie of Me to the Movie of We

Mingyur Rinpoche, Yongey and Swanson, Eric - Joyful Wisdom

Nhat Hahn, Thich - Happiness

Nhat Hahn, Thich - Living Without Stress of Fear

Nhat Hahn, Thich - Old Path White Clouds

Nhat Hahn, Thich - The Art of Living

Sadhguru - Inner Engineering - Post 360

Sadhguru - Karma

Shukman, Henry - One Blade of Grass

Singer, Michael - Living Untethered - Post 152

Sunim, Haemin - The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down

Suzuki, Shunryu - Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind

Tolle, Eckhart - Stillness Speaks

Tolle, Eckhard - The Power of Now

Weil, Andrew - Spontaneous Happiness

Wright, Robert - Why Buddhism is True


Attia, Peter - Outlive

Azarian, Bobby - The Romance of Reality

Beck, Don - Spiral Dynamics Integral

Bryson, Bill - A Short History of Nearly Everything

Capra, Fritjof - The Tao of Physics

Carse, James - Finite and Infinite Games

Dalio, Ray - Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order

Eagleman, David - Incognito

Eurich, Tasha - Insight

Gardner, Daniel - The Science of Fear

Gilbert, Daniel - Stumbling on Happiness

Grant, Adam - Think Again

Harris, Annika - Conscious

Jaynes, Julian - The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind

Kahneman, Daniel - Thinking Fast and Slow

Kaufman, Scott Barry - Transcend

Kotler, Steven - The Art of Impossible

Kurzwell, Ray - How to Create a Mind

Lahey, Jessica - The Gift of Failure

Lahey, Lisa and Robert Kegan - Immunity to Change

Lembke, Anna - Dopamine Nation

Leslie, Ian - Curious - Post 149

Murphy Paul, Annie - The Extended Mind

Nestor, James - Breath

Pinkner, Steven - Rationality

Pollan, Michael - How to Change Your Mind

Pool, Robert and Ericsson, Anders - Peak

Raghunathan, Raj - If You're so Smart, Why Aren't You Happy?

Sinek, Simon - The Infinite Game

Stern, Eddie - Healing through Breathing

Waldinger, Robert and Schulz, Marc - The Good Life - Post 243

Walker, Matthew - Why We Sleep

Williams, Florence - The 3-Day Effect


Bobroff, Gary - Knowledge in a Nutshell: Carl Jung

Conti, Paul - Trauma

Dweck, Carol - Mindset

Gillihan, Seth - Retrain Your Brain: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in 7 Weeks

Hanh, Thich Nhat - Mindfulness and Psychotherapy

Hendricks, Gay and Hendricks, Kathlyn - Conscious Loving

Hendrix Harville, and Hunt, Helen - Getting the Love You Want

Levine, Amir and Heller, Rachel - Attached

Lighthorse, Pixie - Goldmining the Shadows

Johnson, Sue - Love Sense

Katie, Byron - A Thousand Names for Joy

Katie, Byron - Loving What Is

Katie, Byron - Your Inner Awakening

Malkin, Craig - Rethinking Narcissism

Michaels, Barry and Stutz, Phil - The Tools

Nagoski, Emily and Nagoski, Amelia - Burnout

Pratt, Sean - The Body Keeps the Score

Pressfield, Steven - The War of Art

Schwartz, Richard - No Bad Parts

Schwartz, Richard - You Are the One You've Been Waiting For

Schwatz, Richard and Sweezy, Martha - Internal Family Systems Therapy - Post 480

Scott, Kim - Radical Candor

Thompson, Curt - Anatomy of the Soul

Zander, Rosamund and Zander, Benjamin - The Art of Possibility


Albom, Mitch - Tuesdays with Morrie

Brooks, David - How to Know a Person

Cain, Susan - Bittersweet - Post 701, Post 702

Delany, Rob - A Heart That Works - Post 277

Devine, Megan - It's Ok That You're Not Ok - Post 533, Post 534

Doyle, Glennon - Untamed

Febos, Melissa - Body Work - Post 295

Ferriss, Tim - Tools of Titans

Ferriss, Tim - Tribe of Mentors

Friedman, Thomas - Thank You for Being Late

Gilbert, Elizabeth - Big Magic

Gladwell, Malcolm - Talking to Strangers

Godin, Seth - The Song of Significance - Post 328

Green, John - The Anthropocene Reviewed

Kelly, Kevin - Excellent Advice for Living

Kornfield, Jack - Guided Meditations for Difficult Times

Peterson, Jordan - 12 Rules for Life

Peterson, Jordan - Beyond Order

Pirsig, Robert - Lila

Pirsig, Robert - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Rubin, Rick - The Creative Act

Urban, Tim - What's Our Problem?


Adams, Scott - God's Debris

Haig, Matt - The Humans

Haig, Matt - The Midnight Library

Rand, Ayn - Atlas Shrugged - Post 213

Rand, Ayn - The Fountainhead - Post 213

Redfield, James - The Celestine Prophecy

Simmons, Dan - The Rise of Endymion (I would recommend the three books before this as well. It is just this one that specifically spoke to what I am talking about. Amazing series!)

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