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How To Be Happier

I believe life gives you what you focus on. I decided I would help out by giving you something to think about every day. I will post a new thought (less than a minute read) with the goal of giving you something useful to ruminate on around happiness. If you want Happy delivered directly to your email at no charge, feel free to subscribe by hitting the button below. Life's busy, I aim to help you enjoy it.

- Ryan Lynch

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A Little Happiness Just for You

Post 308: The Knife

July 28, 20231 min read

I have incredible memories of going out with my dad when I was a kid. I was supposed to be hunting. That just never really interested me. Instead, my dad had this incredible Rambo-style knife that I got to play with and I just hiked, and searched, and explored outside with my father.

I made sure to find that knife after my dad passed away and it sits not two feet away from me right now, in my office, as I type this.

The funny thing is my youngest daughter wants me to get rid of it, because it is a big ole knife. It could fall, and hurt me, or her, or someone. It makes me realize that my context completely changes what this knife means. It is a huge, deadly weapon. To me, though, it is a reminder of bonding with my father.

~Ryan Lynch

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