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How To Be Happier

I believe life gives you what you focus on. I decided I would help out by giving you something to think about every day. I will post a new thought (less than a minute read) with the goal of giving you something useful to ruminate on around happiness. If you want Happy delivered directly to your email at no charge, feel free to subscribe by hitting the button below. Life's busy, I aim to help you enjoy it.

- Ryan Lynch

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A Little Happiness Just for You

Post 608: Don't Believe the Thoughts I Think

May 23, 20241 min read

The experience I am most interested in at this point in my journey is understanding when I didn’t understand. When I can notice I messed up because I was not conscious of something, then I get to gain awareness.

This is most typically happening with me inside things I would have previously judged as bad. Then, when I become aware of them (at least partially), I find new facets inside the negatives. I might see why someone else thinks it’s good. I might see how I missed an aspect in the past.

I find more in something I would have simply ignored before because I believed my previous assessments.

~Ryan Lynch

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