live a life of quality

How To Be Happier

I believe life gives you what you focus on. I decided I would help out by giving you something to think about every day. I will post a new thought (less than a minute read) with the goal of giving you something useful to ruminate on around happiness. If you want Happy delivered directly to your email at no charge, feel free to subscribe by hitting the button below. Life's busy, I aim to help you enjoy it.

- Ryan Lynch

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A Little Happiness Just for You

Post 490: Practice Makes Better

June 04, 17081 min read

It is so important to practice listening to myself so I can work the muscle. If I can get to the point where I notice what is coming up in my normal day to day experience, I am better situated to perceive nuance when it shows up. I am more prepared to weigh competing priorities. I have the strength to follow through when my decision is different than the desires of those around me.

Working on it when the stakes are low makes me better suited to deal with it when I am all in.

~Ryan Lynch

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